The difference between CMY and RGB moving head light!
CMY is an abbreviation for the three colors of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. With Black, it is the CMYK subtractive color mixing mode. One of the colors produced by this method It is called subtractive color because it reduces the reflected light needed for the visual system to recognize colors.The difference between RGB and RGB editing voice
RGB is the abbreviation of the three colors of red (Red), green (Green) and blue (Blue). It is an additive color mixing mode. The more each color component, the brighter the color obtained, and the value range of each color is 0 ~255; RGB is often used in computer display.
CMY is an abbreviation for the three colors of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. With Black, it is the CMYK subtractive color mixing mode. One of the colors produced by this method It is called subtractive color because it reduces the reflected light needed for the visual system to recognize colors.
Due to the chemical properties of color inks and pigments, the black obtained with the three basic colors is not pure black. Therefore, in printing, a real black (black ink) is often added. This model is called the CMYK model and is widely used. Typography. The value range of each color component is 0-100; CMYK is often used for paper color printing.